Dear Dennis:

My 16-year-old son has made three attempts on his life, as well as, drinking and drug taking. I have spent the last two years trying to get help for him and supporting him. I now find I need some support and I do not know who to ask or where to turn. — Allison

Dear Allison:

Yes, you do need some support and there are so many details I would need to know before offering any more specific advice. However, my first question is: are you near a B.I.L.Y. group? (You did not mention what area you live in.) If not, then I would strongly suggest that you attend Al-Anon. You must get some support and your son needs immediate help before he makes any more attempts on his life. You need to stay strong because you will be no good to anyone if you fall apart. Your son needs you to help him get through this trying and dangerous time. Has he seen a psychiatrist? Has he been in any rehab for his addiction? You mentioned that you had spent the last two years trying to get help for him, and I know how painful and exhausting that must be for you; however, you cannot give up on him even though you may have found yourself giving in many times. It is vital that you get involved in a group with other parents who are having or have had the same or similar problems. You cannot do this alone. Up to this point, whatever you have been doing is not working, so you need to turn the page and make some changes. Getting yourself into a support network is one of those changes. Good luck and keep me posted. — Dennis

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