Dear Dennis:

How can I get information about starting a parent support group in my area? I believe that it is something that is needed. I would love to have copies of your parent contracts for teens and some general information. I want to make a difference in the area here. Please help me if you can. It would mean a lot. — Darlene

Hi Darlene:

First you need to go to our website and click on Start A Group and review it carefully. Then you need to gather a core group of maybe five to six parents that would be willing to commit to helping you get the group started and would stay with you for at least six months. After you have those important steps taken care of, then contact me and we will talk before you send for the packet. I don't want you to spend the $150 unless you are fully prepared. By the way, what area are you in? We can also advertise your contact email and name under our Community Board for people to contact you if they would be interested in helping to start a group in your area. If you have any other questions or concerns, fire away. We are always excited in the possibilities of getting another B.I.L.Y. group going. In today's world, parents are so in need of the support that B.I.L.Y. groups offer. Keep me posted. Thanks. — Dennis

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